Estas fotos do Príncipe Louis berrando são a melhor coisa do Jubileu da Rainha Elizabeth

A bisa nem ligou.

Lá em 2011, William e Kate se casaram.

Prince William in an ornate uniform kisses Kate Middleton in a wedding dress, while two young girls hold flowers on either side of them
Prince William in an ornate uniform kisses Kate Middleton in a wedding dress, while two young girls hold flowers on either side of them

Anwar Hussein / WireImage / Getty Images

Tudo certo, tudo lindo.

William and Kate continue kissing, but now one of the little girls looks angry and is covering her ears
William and Kate continue kissing, but now one of the little girls looks angry and is covering her ears

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images


Mas quem tornou o casamento *realmente* interessante foi Grace Van Cutsem.

Georges De Keerle / Getty Images

Sim, ela.

A close-up of the very angry little girl still holding her hands over her ears
A close-up of the very angry little girl still holding her hands over her ears

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images


Este pequeno ícone englobou o sentimento de uma nação toda.

George Pimentel / WireImage / Getty Images

Agora, 11 anos depois, a realeza está celebrando o Jubileu de Platina da Rainha Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth smiling in the same spot where the previous pictures of William and Kate were taken
Queen Elizabeth smiling in the same spot where the previous pictures of William and Kate were taken

Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage / Getty Images


Algumas pessoas ficaram muito animadas. Muito mesmo:

Two citizens with the UK flag painted on their faces, and one is draped in an actual UK flag
Two citizens with the UK flag painted on their faces, and one is draped in an actual UK flag

Anadolu Agency / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

E algumas estavam mais na vibe da nossa querida Grace.

Mark Cuthbert / UK Press via Getty Images


Dessa vez, quem nos representou foi o Príncipe Louis.

An arrow points to Prince Louis, who looks bored and annoyed standing next to Queen Elizabeth
An arrow points to Prince Louis, who looks bored and annoyed standing next to Queen Elizabeth

Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage

Ele passou por muitas emoções...

Louis is covering his ears in the same way the other little girl did, but he's also screaming
Louis is covering his ears in the same way the other little girl did, but he's also screaming

Daniel Leal / AFP via Getty Images


Muitas, mesmo.

Louis looking even more upset and yelling while the Queen shows no reaction
Louis looking even more upset and yelling while the Queen shows no reaction

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images

E eu amo que a Rainha não ligou nem um pouco.

A close-up of the queen, who is staring straight forward and paying no attention to Louis at her side
A close-up of the queen, who is staring straight forward and paying no attention to Louis at her side

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images


Tudo começou de forma bem inocente, com caretas.

Louis has his fingers in his mouth drawing his lips down to give himself an exaggerated frowning face
Louis has his fingers in his mouth drawing his lips down to give himself an exaggerated frowning face

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Mas tudo azedou quando alguns aviões apareceram.

Louis staring into the sky, looking very concerned with his hands on his cheeks
Louis staring into the sky, looking very concerned with his hands on his cheeks

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images


Aviões são barulhentos.

A wide shot of the king and queen, William and Kate, and their other two kids all looking normal, while Louis is screaming with his hands over his ears
A wide shot of the king and queen, William and Kate, and their other two kids all looking normal, while Louis is screaming with his hands over his ears

Daniel Leal / AFP via Getty Images

E o Príncipe Louis simplesmente não curtiu esta parte da homenagem.

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images


Quem odeia barulho de motos, aviões, máquinas, etc. deve ter se identificado DEMAIS com essas fotos.

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images

Você não está sozinho, Louis.

Louis leans his head back in exasperation
Louis leans his head back in exasperation

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images


Pois é, não seria um evento da Família Real, se não tivesse pelo menos uma criança super entediada ou meio perdida.

Louis continues screaming, while Kate looks at him and laughs
Louis continues screaming, while Kate looks at him and laughs

Daniel Leal / AFP via Getty Images

Então, obrigado por tornar este evento um pouco mais interessante!

Karwai Tang / WireImage / Getty Images


O meme veio!

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