45 animais fofinhos que vão te ajudar a passar por qualquer situação

Às vezes, a gente só precisa ver uma foto de um elefantinho :')

1. Pinguim a mimir!!!

2. Vombates são bem mais fofos que o nome, né? <3

Rolf Vennenbernd / AFP / Getty Images


3. O porquinho mais lindo do mundo!

4. Olha essa fofura, sério!

A small, furry animal turns its head and looks at the camera
A small, furry animal turns its head and looks at the camera

Chester Zoo


5. Diga: X!!!! 📷

Two very small, furry animals are held in a human's hands; of the animals is being pet on the head and doesn't look happy about it
Two very small, furry animals are held in a human's hands; of the animals is being pet on the head and doesn't look happy about it

Brendon Thorne / Getty Images

6. O focinho!


7. Essa fofura, apenas.

8. Balançando a cabeça!

A particularly fluffy dog repeatedly shakes its head back and forth
A particularly fluffy dog repeatedly shakes its head back and forth

Stephanie Dean / Via youtube.com


9. Olha que coisa mais linda!

10. Bravo, porém fofo!

A small kangaroo stares into the camera, looking angry
A small kangaroo stares into the camera, looking angry

Craigrjd / Getty Images


11. Um canguru com seu lanchinho não quer guerra com ninguém...

A baby kangaroo being held in a human's arms and being fed from a bottle
A baby kangaroo being held in a human's arms and being fed from a bottle

Robert Cianflone / Getty Images

12. Mais um!

A closeup on a kangaroo's face
A closeup on a kangaroo's face

Jochen Luebke / AFP / Getty Images


13. Olha a patinha!!!

A tiny animal being nestled in a blanket
A tiny animal being nestled in a blanket

Brendon Thorne / Getty Images

14. Concentrado...

A human working on a laptop while a small animal sits in a makeshift bed nearby
A human working on a laptop while a small animal sits in a makeshift bed nearby

Junko Kimura / Getty Images


15. Muito fotogênico!

A tiny animal getting extremely close to the lens of a camera
A tiny animal getting extremely close to the lens of a camera

Greg Wood / AFP / Getty Images

16. Fofura multiplicada por três!

Three identical-looking furry animals look into the camera
Three identical-looking furry animals look into the camera

Stephanie Pilick / AFP / Getty Images


17. Brincando de pega-pega!

Two dogs playing, while one chases the other
Two dogs playing, while one chases the other

Nicole Patience / Getty Images

18. Olha que fofinho!

A very small bird that looks like it could fit in the palm of a person's hand
A very small bird that looks like it could fit in the palm of a person's hand

Rachelkathryngiles / Getty Images


19. Cachorrinho na neve!!!!

20. Bom diaaaa!!!

A very small animal with claws on its four legs being nestled in a blanket
A very small animal with claws on its four legs being nestled in a blanket

Mark Nolan / Getty Images


21. Olha essa duplinha!

A baby koala bear riding on the back of its mother
A baby koala bear riding on the back of its mother

Roland Weihrauch / AFP / Getty Images

22. "Tá filmando!?"



A baby koala bear asleep in a tree
A baby koala bear asleep in a tree

Connie Kerr / Getty Images

24. Eu depois de estudar 5 minutos...

A small dog fast asleep with its four legs extended outward on its sides
A small dog fast asleep with its four legs extended outward on its sides

Grahm S. Jones / Columbus Zoo & Aquarium / Via Facebook: columbuszoo


25. Descobrindo o mundo!

A newborn koala lies in a makeshift bed and looks around
A newborn koala lies in a makeshift bed and looks around

Symbio Wildlife Park / Via youtube.com

Você pode assistir o vídeo dos bastidores aqui!!

26. Bebê e gatinho??? É muita fofura!

A kitten cuddling a baby on a blanket
A kitten cuddling a baby on a blanket

TheNerdyMommy / Via youtube.com



A very small animal in the palm of a human's hand and holding sticks and leaves
A very small animal in the palm of a human's hand and holding sticks and leaves

Amanda Carberry / Columbus Zoo & Aquarium / Via Facebook: columbuszoo

28. Mais fotos a mimir!

A small dog asleep while lying upside down on its back
A small dog asleep while lying upside down on its back

Grahm S. Jones / Columbus Zoo & Aquarium / Via Facebook: columbuszoo


29. Hora da diversão!

30. Cabritinhos agasalhados!

Two tiny goats in full-body outfits, one that looks like overalls and another covered in raspberries
Two tiny goats in full-body outfits, one that looks like overalls and another covered in raspberries

Sunflower Farm Creamery / Via youtube.com

Veja o vídeo completo aqui!


31. Como que consegue ser fofo até brincando na lama?

A baby elephant lying in mud and cuddling its mother's leg
A baby elephant lying in mud and cuddling its mother's leg

Chester Zoo

32. Precioso.


33. Uhuuuu!

Seemingly the same baby elephant from before, now playing in the mud and getting covered in it
Seemingly the same baby elephant from before, now playing in the mud and getting covered in it

Chester Zoo.

34. Amigos para sempre!

A sloth hugging a stuffed teddy bear
A sloth hugging a stuffed teddy bear

London Zoo / Via buzzfeed.com


35. Muita fofura em uma só foto!

Five baby lions playing with a pumpkin
Five baby lions playing with a pumpkin

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium / Via Facebook: columbuszoo

36. Sério, olha isso!

Two of the lions playing with a bigger pumpkin
Two of the lions playing with a bigger pumpkin

Columbus Zoo & Aquarium / Via Facebook: columbuszoo


37. Você consegue!

A lemur jumps from one human to another
A lemur jumps from one human to another

38. A carinha de nenê <3

An incredibly small bird rests on a blanket
An incredibly small bird rests on a blanket

Brenna Hernandez / Shedd Aquarium



Two giraffes running next to each other
Two giraffes running next to each other

Chester Zoo

40. Sono e sede, porém mais sono do que sede.

A dog falls asleep while trying to drink out of a large bowl
A dog falls asleep while trying to drink out of a large bowl


41. Mini!!!

Three lizards crawl on a human's hands; each lizard is the same size as one of the human's fingertips
Three lizards crawl on a human's hands; each lizard is the same size as one of the human's fingertips

Taronga Zoo / Via taronga.org.au

42. Eu amo este bebê.

A baby hippo with its mother
A baby hippo with its mother

Alastair Johnstone / SWNS


43. Olha essa carinha!

The baby hippo swimming
The baby hippo swimming

Alastair Johnstone / SWNS

44. Queria abraçar esta fofura!!


45. Vai, cachorrinho, pega a mini abóbora!

A tiny puppy barks at and pounces on a mini fake pumpkin
A tiny puppy barks at and pounces on a mini fake pumpkin

Este post tem alguns conteúdos de Shannon Rosenberg, Jenna Guillaume e Elaina Wahl, e foi compilado por Laura Frustaci.


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