Britney Spears acaba de comprar uma casa nova que é a cara dela!

Uma casa de muitos milhões... literalmente.

Britney Spears está de mudança!


A cantora recém-casada, eterna princesinha do pop e mulher livre está trocando sua casa em Thousand Oaks por uma mansão de US$11,8 milhões em Calabasas, também na Califórnia.


A casa fica na mesma rua de Kevin Federline, pai de seus filhos, o que significa que ela estará mais perto dos meninos. <3


A inspiração Olive Garden/Cheesecake Factory deixou o ambiente super icônico.



Aqui temos a academia cheia de luzinhas e mini móveis!

A photo from inside Britney's gym in her previous home, which is a regular room with tile floors that holds workout equipment and has string lights running along the walls
A photo from inside Britney's gym in her previous home, which is a regular room with tile floors that holds workout equipment and has string lights running along the walls



A close up from the previous image that focuses on a tiny bed pushed against the wall of the gym; like, it looks like a bed for a doll
A close up from the previous image that focuses on a tiny bed pushed against the wall of the gym; like, it looks like a bed for a doll



A sala de estar que também serve de salão de dança.

A giant carpeted living room with incredibly high ceilings that is holding a very large and lit up Christmas tree
A giant carpeted living room with incredibly high ceilings that is holding a very large and lit up Christmas tree


E como não citar a sala de artes dela? Esse é o lugar que eu mais gostaria de visitar no mundo, não estou brincando.

Britney sitting at a desk and painting leaves on a canvas
Britney sitting at a desk and painting leaves on a canvas



Maaass, é tempo de mudança!


A nova casa de Britney é uma versão elevada e atualizada da sua última casa – em essência, é MUITO a cara da Britney.

A view from outside Britney's new home, which is enormous and has fountains on either size of the walkway up to the front door
A view from outside Britney's new home, which is enormous and has fountains on either size of the walkway up to the front door

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


E é gigantesca!

An aerial shot of the property, which more clearly shows how giant it is; it also reveals that it has a large pool in the backyard
An aerial shot of the property, which more clearly shows how giant it is; it also reveals that it has a large pool in the backyard

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Com uma vista de milhões.

Behind the house is a beautiful view of rolling hills
Behind the house is a beautiful view of rolling hills

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


Para deixar tudo ainda mais chique, a mansão conta com duas (DUAS) fontes na entrada!

A close-up view of the entryway with the two fountains on either side
A close-up view of the entryway with the two fountains on either side

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

E elas acendem à noite! Chique!

The same entryway at night, with the fountains lit by lights beneath the water
The same entryway at night, with the fountains lit by lights beneath the water

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


A casa tem seis quartos e nove banheiros, várias opções para fazer xixi.

One of the bedrooms, which has a bed covered with numerous pillows and a couch covered with more pillows
One of the bedrooms, which has a bed covered with numerous pillows and a couch covered with more pillows

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

E seguindo o tema Toscano, o favorito da queen, o chão é todo de mármore.

The dining room has an ornate chandelier and shiny marble floors
The dining room has an ornate chandelier and shiny marble floors

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


Os corredores são bem "Franceses", ou algo do tipo. Eu só sei que Britney ama, então eu também amo.

The hallways also have shiny marble floors, as well as extremely high ceilings
The hallways also have shiny marble floors, as well as extremely high ceilings

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Este quarto é perfeito para os desfiles dela!

A living room or den that features lots of open space around a central circular couch
A living room or den that features lots of open space around a central circular couch

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


E eu consigo ver a Britney transformando esta sala de música em um estúdio de dança para o Instagram ou em uma sala de pintura.

A room with ornate cloth drapes on the windows and a large piano in one corner, a bar in the opposite corner, and tables and chairs for seating lots of people
A room with ornate cloth drapes on the windows and a large piano in one corner, a bar in the opposite corner, and tables and chairs for seating lots of people

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Como se não bastasse, a mansão também tem um cinema!!!!

A personal movie theater that has a large TV with several reclining chairs set up in raised tiers
A personal movie theater that has a large TV with several reclining chairs set up in raised tiers

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


A cozinha tem 72 lustres. Conhecendo Britney, isso com certeza foi um grande atrativo!

The 72 chandeliers is an exaggeration, but this photo of the large kitchen shows it has at least six
The 72 chandeliers is an exaggeration, but this photo of the large kitchen shows it has at least six

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Sério, tem muitos lustres...

A different angle of the kitchen shows seven more chandeliers, multiple of which are hanging over the kitchen table
A different angle of the kitchen shows seven more chandeliers, multiple of which are hanging over the kitchen table

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


Também tem este fogão extremamente elaborado que provavelmente vale mais do que a minha vida.

A stove so large, it has 12 knobs for different burners, and it is adorned with an ornate overhang and backsplash
A stove so large, it has 12 knobs for different burners, and it is adorned with an ornate overhang and backsplash

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Gente, olha este espaço...

The kitchen island is directly across from the stove and is topped with thick marble
The kitchen island is directly across from the stove and is topped with thick marble

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


E espero que a casa realmente venha com estes galos porque a Britney vai AMAR.

A close-up view of the kitchen shows a random rooster in the corner of the room used for decoration
A close-up view of the kitchen shows a random rooster in the corner of the room used for decoration

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Este aqui parece ser um dos closets enormes, perfeito para os vídeos de looks da nossa queen!

The closet is so large, it almost seems like another bedroom; it has places for seating as well as an island
The closet is so large, it almost seems like another bedroom; it has places for seating as well as an island

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


O quarto principal conta com ainda mais lustres, perfeito para ela!

The same bedroom with lots of pillows from before but from a different angle, where you can see a large chandelier hanging over the couch
The same bedroom with lots of pillows from before but from a different angle, where you can see a large chandelier hanging over the couch

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

A mansão tem até uma suíte executiva para negócios... coisa séria.

A wooden desk with a large leather chair behind and two smaller chairs in front of it
A wooden desk with a large leather chair behind and two smaller chairs in front of it

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


E a parte externa conta com espaços maravilhosos como este:

A curved patio holds a circular table with chairs situated around it, as well as a grill and a rolling cart with a plant on it
A curved patio holds a circular table with chairs situated around it, as well as a grill and a rolling cart with a plant on it

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Ela com certeza pirou com este lustre aqui:

A different patio with more seating and a giant three-tiered chandelier that holds countless candles
A different patio with more seating and a giant three-tiered chandelier that holds countless candles

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


E tem essa piscina pequenininha, nada de mais...

An oddly shaped pool that has a slide built into one side and a hot tub on the opposite side
An oddly shaped pool that has a slide built into one side and a hot tub on the opposite side

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Olha os detalhes!

A different angle of the pool, which shows it also has a fountain above it that creates a waterfall that runs into the pool
A different angle of the pool, which shows it also has a fountain above it that creates a waterfall that runs into the pool

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


Ela também tem uma garagem bem grande, que pode acomodar muitos carros e servir como depósito para sua extensa coleção de móveis minúsculos.

The garage has three different large doors and looks like it could fit at least seven cars, with a driveway outside it that could easily fit even more cars
The garage has three different large doors and looks like it could fit at least seven cars, with a driveway outside it that could easily fit even more cars

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID

Estamos felizes pela Britney! Que esta nova casa traga muita felicidade, muitas memórias e mini móveis!

Grby / The Grosby Group / BACKGRID


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