Será que conseguimos acertar se você prefere cores neutras ou vibrantes?

Você é Team Neon ou Team Pastel?


Primeiro, como você se descreveria?





Você é mais introvertido ou extrovertido?




Qual foto você gosta mais?

woman leaning on wall

Wesley Tingey via Unsplash

cup with brown and white liquid

Alyssa Strohmann via Unsplash

aerial view of body of water during daytime

Karen Martinez via Unsplash

purple cyrstal quarts stone

Krystal Ng via Unsplash

Escolha um bolo

white and red cake with black and white icing on top

Deva Williamson via Unsplash

person holding white ice cream cone with brown and white round cake

American Heritage Chocolate via Unsplash

naked drapery chocolate cookies and cream cake on person's hands

Alina Karpenko via Unsplash

five cupcakes beside cake

Getty Images


E como você toma o seu café?

clear drinking glass with brown liquid


Tavis Beck via Unsplash

clear drinking glass filled with beverage


freestocks via Unsplash

person holding clear glass cup with brown liquid

Com chantilly

Chelsea Audibert via Unsplash

coffee cup with coffee beans close-up photography


Michael C via Unsplash

Você gosta de chá?




Escolha uma sala de estar

white sofa chair near fireplace

Collov Home Design via Unsplash

green sofa chair near brown wooden table

Spacejoy via Unsplash

orange and black sofa with throw pillows

Spacejoy via Unsplash

Spacejoy via Unsplash

Escolha uma flor

closeup photo of white 6-petaled flower

White lilies

Matt via Unsplash

pink carnation flower

Pink rose

Providence Doucet via Unsplash

closeup of multicolored petaled roses

Multicolored roses

Uriel via Unsplash

close-up photography of white petaled flower bouquet on brown wooden table

White tulips

Roman Kraft via Unsplash


E por último, escolha um iPhone

person holding silver iPhone X

Kevin Bhagat via Unsplash

rose gold iPhone 6s on book near Apple watch

freestocks via Unsplash

gold iPhone 11

Mika Baumeister via Unsplash

white and black remote control

Filip Baotić via Unsplash

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