Uma ferramenta de Inteligência Artificial criou versões modernas do boneco Ken e todos parecem ser boys tóxicos

Mas tem uns que são até que ok 👀

Se você já viu "Barbie", com certeza percebeu que os nossos "bonecos Ken" do mundo real são um pouquinho diferentes do personagem do Ryan Gosling...

Então, com a ajuda de uma ferramenta de Inteligência Artificial, fizemos algumas transformações mais modernas e atuais no famoso Ken:

As imagens a seguir foram criadas usando modelos de imagem de IA para entretenimento e curiosidade. As imagens também revelam os preconceitos e estereótipos que existem atualmente nos modelos de IA e não devem ser vistas como representações precisas ou completas da experiência humana.


1. Ken boy com perfil aprimorado em app de namoro:

A Ken doll standing in a boat, holding two fish, while wearing sunglasses and a button-up short-sleeve shirt with the top two buttons unbuittoned
A Ken doll standing in a boat, holding two fish, while wearing sunglasses and a button-up short-sleeve shirt with the top two buttons unbuittoned

2. Ken tatuado:

A muscular, shirtless Ken with silver hair, tattoo sleeves covering both arms, and a large tattoo on his chest
A muscular, shirtless Ken with silver hair, tattoo sleeves covering both arms, and a large tattoo on his chest


3. Ken boy lixo:

A Ken with black hair and brown skin wearing a pink polo shirt and looking at a cellphone
A Ken with black hair and brown skin wearing a pink polo shirt and looking at a cellphone

4. Ken que vai passar horas te explicando o que é bitcoin (mesmo que você não tenha perguntado):

A Ken sitting at a very messy office desk; he's wearing business casual clothes, a watch, and eyeglasses with no lenses
A Ken sitting at a very messy office desk; he's wearing business casual clothes, a watch, and eyeglasses with no lenses


5. Ken pai de pet:

A Ken wearing a hoodie and carrying a small dog that's wearing a bowtie
A Ken wearing a hoodie and carrying a small dog that's wearing a bowtie

6. Ken "não quero nada sério, mas vamos ser exclusivos":

A Ken with wavy hair and wearing a white T-shirt under a red leather jacket and a backpack
A Ken with wavy hair and wearing a white T-shirt under a red leather jacket and a backpack


7. O Ken que sua mãe vai adorar conhecer:

A Ken that is smiling while wearing a knitted sweater and holding a bouquet of roses
A Ken that is smiling while wearing a knitted sweater and holding a bouquet of roses

8. Ken vovô-garoto:

A rugged, older Ken with wavy blonde hair and a fully unbuttoned collared jacket
A rugged, older Ken with wavy blonde hair and a fully unbuttoned collared jacket


9. Ken gamer:

Ken wearing a hat while lounging on a couch with a video game controller in his hands
Ken wearing a hat while lounging on a couch with a video game controller in his hands

10. Ken atleta:

A Ken wearing athletic clothing and holding a Pickleball racquet
A Ken wearing athletic clothing and holding a Pickleball racquet


11. Ken que faz ghosting:

A Ken relaxing on a bench, wearing sunglasses and a denim jacket while holding a drink
A Ken relaxing on a bench, wearing sunglasses and a denim jacket while holding a drink

12. Ken rapper do soundcloud:

A Ken with slicked back hair and wearing two large puffy jackets
A Ken with slicked back hair and wearing two large puffy jackets


13. Ken viciado em aplicativo:

A Ken with wavy brown hair wearing two jackets, one with a zipper and the other open, and holding a cellphone
A Ken with wavy brown hair wearing two jackets, one with a zipper and the other open, and holding a cellphone

14. Ken viciado em acad:

A very muscular Ken wearing a tank top and holding a brick in each hand
A very muscular Ken wearing a tank top and holding a brick in each hand


15. Ken que te convida para ver Netflix na casa dele:

A Ken in a living room and wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants
A Ken in a living room and wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants

16. Ken de festa universitária:

A muscular Ken wearing a T-shirt with the name Ken spelled in a font that vaguely resembles Greek letters
A muscular Ken wearing a T-shirt with the name Ken spelled in a font that vaguely resembles Greek letters


17. Ken emocionalmente indisponível:

A Ken holding two cellphones, one in each hand
A Ken holding two cellphones, one in each hand

18. Ken estudante de cinema:

A Ken wearing a backpack and holding a cellphone in one hand and a professional camera in the other
A Ken wearing a backpack and holding a cellphone in one hand and a professional camera in the other


19. Mais um Ken do ghosting:

A Ken with disheveled hair and looking at his cellphone as he walks past three women who are all looking at him
A Ken with disheveled hair and looking at his cellphone as he walks past three women who are all looking at him

20. Ken gringo que veio para o Brasil para "se encontrar":

This Ken is leaning on a bar while wearing a button-up sleeveless shirt that is almost entirely unbuttoned
This Ken is leaning on a bar while wearing a button-up sleeveless shirt that is almost entirely unbuttoned


21. Ken que baixa e deleta aplicativo de relacionamento mil vezes por dia:

A Ken wearing a simple pink short-sleeved hoodie
A Ken wearing a simple pink short-sleeved hoodie

22. Ken podcaster:

A Ken sitting at a table and wearing oversized headphones
A Ken sitting at a table and wearing oversized headphones


23. Ken que ama brechó:

A Ken wearing retro clothing while inside a thrift store
A Ken wearing retro clothing while inside a thrift store

24. Ken esquerdomacho:

A Ken wearing jeans, a plaid button-up shirt, and eyeglasses
A Ken wearing jeans, a plaid button-up shirt, and eyeglasses


25. Ken sugar daddy:

An older Ken with silver hair who is wearing a suit jacket, trousers, and a pocket square that matches his collared shirt
An older Ken with silver hair who is wearing a suit jacket, trousers, and a pocket square that matches his collared shirt

26. Ken do campo:

A Ken with a thick mustache who is wearing an oversized belt buckle and a vest
A Ken with a thick mustache who is wearing an oversized belt buckle and a vest


27. Ken que já teve 30 bandas (esse ano):

A Ken with hair that falls to one side of his head; he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt and holding an acoustic guitar
A Ken with hair that falls to one side of his head; he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt and holding an acoustic guitar

28. Ken boy da tecnologia, com teclado que muda de cor:

A Ken with combed-back hair, wearing jeans, a nondescript T-shirt, a vest, and eyeglasses
A Ken with combed-back hair, wearing jeans, a nondescript T-shirt, a vest, and eyeglasses


29. Mais um Ken que viaja para se encontrar (e para baixar o bumble):

A Ken with long, curly blonde hair that goes down to his neck; he's wearing a jacket, headband, and hiking equipment, including a backpack and water bottles
A Ken with long, curly blonde hair that goes down to his neck; he's wearing a jacket, headband, and hiking equipment, including a backpack and water bottles

30. Ken que ainda manda "Oi, sumida":

A Ken smiling at a cellphone while wearing a button-up shirt that is fully unbuttoned
A Ken smiling at a cellphone while wearing a button-up shirt that is fully unbuttoned


31. Ken boy lenhador:

A Ken with long, flowy hair that extends to his shoulder; he's wearing a flannel jacket
A Ken with long, flowy hair that extends to his shoulder; he's wearing a flannel jacket

32. E por último, Ken que paga a conta, mas não acorda para te dar tchau no dia seguinte:

A smiling Ken who is wearing see-through sunglasses, a partially unbuttoned shirt, and a jacket with short sleeves that are ruffled at the elbow; he's sitting at a bar with a drink
A smiling Ken who is wearing see-through sunglasses, a partially unbuttoned shirt, and a jacket with short sleeves that are ruffled at the elbow; he's sitting at a bar with a drink


E aí? Algum desses Kens parece familiar? Conta pra gente nas redes sociais!

Esta matéria foi aprimorada usando ferramentas de criatividade com tecnologia de IA.

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