Te desafiamos a chegar ao final desta lista de comidas nojentas sem vomitar

Espero que você não esteja de barriga cheia...

1. Um querido que tentou fazer um carbonara pro mozão:

The color and texture are wrong, making this look like a pot full of gunk
The color and texture are wrong, making this look like a pot full of gunk

u/vertigoism / Via reddit.com

2. O colega de apartamento que esquentou espaguete no microondas e esqueceu o prato lá por três semanas <3:

The meatballs have turned into chunks of mold, while the spaghetti has thinned and changed color
The meatballs have turned into chunks of mold, while the spaghetti has thinned and changed color

u/Illustrious-Mirror-7 / Via reddit.com

O garfo me pega de jeito, sério...


3. Essa pessoa que não tinha leite em casa então resolveu usar achocolatado pra fazer purê:

The mashed potatoes are a dark brown, making them resemble feces
The mashed potatoes are a dark brown, making them resemble feces

u/TooDamnFishy1 / Via reddit.com

4. O jantar feito por um pai:

A piece of burned meat on an overly toasted bun; the meat is so badly burned, it's impossible to tell what it even is
A piece of burned meat on an overly toasted bun; the meat is so badly burned, it's impossible to tell what it even is

u/CalLikesBeans / Via reddit.com


5. O colega da firma que levou "gelatina de caldo de carne com salsicha e ovos" como lanchinho para dividir com a galera em uma reunião:

The hot dogs, gelatin, and hard-boiled eggs are all wrapped in plastic together, making them looking one disgusting mass
The hot dogs, gelatin, and hard-boiled eggs are all wrapped in plastic together, making them looking one disgusting mass

u/Wyodaniel / Via reddit.com

6. O filé "perfeito":

The steak has no seer on the outside and is so pink in the middle it looks raw; this would be unsafe to eat
The steak has no seer on the outside and is so pink in the middle it looks raw; this would be unsafe to eat

u/Noonanamotopobapolus / Via reddit.com


7. Essa pessoa que descongela frango assim:

Several raw chicken thighs sit submerged in water in a sink
Several raw chicken thighs sit submerged in water in a sink

u/WhatDidYouDoThisTime / Via reddit.com

8. O pão de hamburger que ficou 5 horas no forno :))))

The bagel is simply a blackened husk
The bagel is simply a blackened husk

u/Kimdong1865 / Via reddit.com


u/Kimdong1865 / Via reddit.com

9. O churros caseiro:

The size and shape of these make them look exactly like cat poop
The size and shape of these make them look exactly like cat poop

u/ScratchyGoboCode / Via reddit.com


10. E a bebida caseira para acompanhar:

This creation has separated in a jar, with liquid at the bottom and whatever was supposed to be mixed into it rising to the top
This creation has separated in a jar, with liquid at the bottom and whatever was supposed to be mixed into it rising to the top

u/jempai / Via reddit.com

11. Um jantar triste:

This plate has corn, Brussels sprouts, rice and chicken drumsticks, and they all look undercooked
This plate has corn, Brussels sprouts, rice and chicken drumsticks, and they all look undercooked

u/Alert_Bodybuilder378 / Via reddit.com


12. Um ovo do sistema solar:

The egg whites ran a little, so the person placed things like carrots, sausage, and ketchup in the whites to make it look like the yolk is the sun and the random things are planets
The egg whites ran a little, so the person placed things like carrots, sausage, and ketchup in the whites to make it look like the yolk is the sun and the random things are planets

u/The_Distracted / Via reddit.com

13. Essa querida que usou um saco de confeitar para colocar feijão nos nachos:

The beans look exactly like cat poop
The beans look exactly like cat poop

u/Business_Bumblebee80 / Via reddit.com


14. Uma "pizza":

A random assortment of things have been put on top of a pizza crust; it looks like there's lettuce, sausage, corn, and shredded cheese among the toppings
A random assortment of things have been put on top of a pizza crust; it looks like there's lettuce, sausage, corn, and shredded cheese among the toppings

u/Spudzzy03 / Via reddit.com

15. Panquecas tristes:

Calling these pancakes is generous; it's basically a mound of partially cooked mush
Calling these pancakes is generous; it's basically a mound of partially cooked mush

u/Mothmanfan119 / Via reddit.com


16. Essa carne bem passada até demais:

The meat is clearly overcooked and very dry
The meat is clearly overcooked and very dry

u/Just_Pomegranate_151 / Via reddit.com

17. Salsicha de airfryer:

The hot dogs have split open, dried out, and become discolored
The hot dogs have split open, dried out, and become discolored

u/OmegaSeas / Via reddit.com


18. Um tiramisù sob os efeitos do aquecimento global:

It's just a blob of liquid
It's just a blob of liquid

u/airwarr / Via reddit.com

19. Uma sopa super saudável de vegetais e nada tóxica, nem um pouco mesmo:

The soup is a gross color, and there's too much of it for the bowl, so it's spilling out and onto the table
The soup is a gross color, and there's too much of it for the bowl, so it's spilling out and onto the table


20. O almoço de família que uma pessoa encontrou na casa dos sogros:

This is also a very gross-looking color and is essentially three pieces of chicken only partially submerged in liquid with some rice thrown in
This is also a very gross-looking color and is essentially three pieces of chicken only partially submerged in liquid with some rice thrown in

u/Cool-Swordfish7223 / Via reddit.com

21. A primeira vez de alguém fazendo hambúrguer:

A look inside a pan in which four burger patties have been overcooked and the dry spices used have also been overcooked and covered the pan in a layer of soot
A look inside a pan in which four burger patties have been overcooked and the dry spices used have also been overcooked and covered the pan in a layer of soot

u/7arco7 / Via reddit.com


22. Uma pessoa tentou esquentar uma hambúrguer vegano no microondas e quebrou prato no processo:

The plate has snapped diagonally down the middle
The plate has snapped diagonally down the middle

u/ryanclicks2 / Via reddit.com

23. E, por último, os sogros que fizeram um peru para o Dia de Ação de Graças, "recheado com ameixas":

The turkey is not the correct color, looks extremely dry, and has gross-looking liquid leaking out of it
The turkey is not the correct color, looks extremely dry, and has gross-looking liquid leaking out of it

u/TrevzorFTW / Via reddit.com


Conseguiu chegar até aqui sem vomitar? Conta pra gente nas redes sociais qual "prato" quase te fez perder o desafio!

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