Temos aqui algumas das piores decorações de Natal que já vimos

As pessoas que criaram essas decorações sabiam o que estavam fazendo?

1. Essa árvore que é proibida para quem tem mente suja:

Wooden gift topper with what looks like rows of breasts on it
Wooden gift topper with what looks like rows of breasts on it

u/xekret_ / Via reddit.com

2. Luzes de Natal tema calcinha!

City street Xmas lights that look like bikini briefs
City street Xmas lights that look like bikini briefs

u/yoloaasd / Via reddit.com


3. Essa Rena com peitos invejáveis:

Blow-up reindeer with what looks like large breasts
Blow-up reindeer with what looks like large breasts

u/FxHVivious / Via reddit.com

4. Esse bebê Jesus completamente exausto e derretido. Te entendemos, bebê Jesus:

"Little berby jersus" caption with a misshapen doll Jesus with arms raised
"Little berby jersus" caption with a misshapen doll Jesus with arms raised

u/ForlornBread / Via reddit.com


5. Essa árvore de Natal que mais parece o resultado pós-ceia:

A Christmas tree with a brown wreath that looks like a swirl of feces
A Christmas tree with a brown wreath that looks like a swirl of feces

u/maxt0r / Via reddit.com

6. Essas luzes questionáveis...

Christmas lights in the shape of an erect penis
Christmas lights in the shape of an erect penis

u/GamingKarma / Via reddit.com


7. Esse patinho natalino que era para ter bochechas rosadas, mas acabou recebendo olhos satânicos:

A large rubber duck with small pin eyes
A large rubber duck with small pin eyes

u/99RedTeaspoons / Via reddit.com

8. Esse bebê Jesus que parece um dedão peludo:

A baby Jesus ornament hanging on a tree and looking like half a thumb with a face on the nail bed
A baby Jesus ornament hanging on a tree and looking like half a thumb with a face on the nail bed

u/Blenderhead36 / Via reddit.com


9. Essa decoração de Natal do Olaf (depois de beber muito vinho):

A scary-looking Olaf doll in a box
A scary-looking Olaf doll in a box

u/payinthefidlr / Via reddit.com

10. Mais luzes que nos fazem questionar a nossa idade mental:

Streetlights that are supposed to be candles and pine branches but look like penises and scrota
Streetlights that are supposed to be candles and pine branches but look like penises and scrota

u/towelsready / Via reddit.com


11. E por último, isso:

A smiling snowperson with one hand apparently cupping a breast
A smiling snowperson with one hand apparently cupping a breast

u/ChonkaThonka / Via reddit.com

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